Unexpected Day

Yesterday I'd decided as the weather was going to be lovely today I would get the train to Southport. Commenting on blip last night Beewriter invited me to join her and Chrissie1 in Manchester, well no contest!
Walking from the station I saw the wonderful reflection of the corn exchange in Selfridges. As I continued to walk towards the Art Gallery I stopped to photograph the Town Hall and who should walk straight past me only Bee! We met up with Chrissie and went to the Portico Library to see an exhibition. Meeting up with these two I am certainly seeing Hidden Manchester and its superb. The library was interesting with a beautiful dome and I loved the polite Literature label. I would love to read some impolite Literature!
Next stop the Richmond tea rooms for lunch. Our server was Ida, Chrissie thought she had an Irish accent, it turned out she was Swedish and the best server I've had in a long time. superb at her job. I had the biggest bacon sandwich ever. We shared a massive piece of cake for dessert and there was no way the 3 of us could finish it.
Walking around we met 2 girls stuck in Manchester see extra because the M6 was shut. Bee got talking to her about her shoes and then we all took a photo. A walk to Harvey Nix for the selfie blipper shot then a little wander in shops then train home.
I walked over the canal from the railway station and loved how it looked with the sun shining. I was happily exhausted when I got home. I'd walked over 5 miles and had a fabulous day. Many thanks to Bee and Chrissie for their great company and I've shown to myself how I'm back to normal even though I have the gas bubble but it's definitely a lot smaller. I reckon 20% now. It's also fine walking now as I can look over it.

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