Sunrise Campbeltown Harbour

11.1C (Met Office Campbeltown airport). 15.5C (car thermometer at Carskey Bay). Sunny sunshine all day long. N/NW/W zephyr.

Maeve the Deerhound got up at 6.30am (which was really 5.30am since the clocks had gone forward!). We went for a walk round to the harbour. There was a very nice sunrise. There was a seal in the harbour. I had taken a camera. When we were right out at the end of the old quay Ronja Supporter then one of the fish farm work Catamarans sailed out across the loch.

Grocery shopping over by mid morning. Maeve stayed at home.

We went the ten miles or so South to Southend then followed the road round past Dunaverty beach and Kiel to Carskey Bay. Lots of seals on the rocks basking in the sunshine.

At Carskey we walked along with Maeve to the far end and came back again. Thin fleece jumpers were almost too warm. Maeve was very slow but there is no doubt she still loves being on a beach. No paddling but she did get her paws wet when the tiny waves broke and ran up the wet sand. One seal appeared and had a look at us when we were walking along. No Gannets.

There were two boxes of eggs for sale at Little farm's roadside stand today. I bought a box.

The new F1 season has started. Highlights on telly this afternoon. A win for Ferrari.

Later Apothecary7 was making her rag rug, then she was painting.

Late afternoon music ... BBC Radio 2.

DMC-LX7 f/2.8 1/125 sec. ISO-80 5mm (35mm focal length 24mm)

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