The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

One heart

I went to the market in the morning with my card stall (beautiful day, but freezing in the shade) and eventually came away with the right number of sales. Steve took me up the hill where he had to drop off some stuff at a film director's house, and we stopped for a.cup of tea and to admire the view over Washpool.

In the evening, after a nap, I attended the One Heart event at St Laurences in Stroud, which is more of an ents venue now than a church. Apparently, it was a multi faith event celebrating the spring equinox (Druid), the annunciation (Christian) and a date in the Mahayana (Buddhist) calendar. I'd come to see an Indian band perform, so I was more than a little confused..

Still, it was good to hear the Druid speak, and to see the Skype link up with the Dean of Grace cathedral, San Francisco ( though fans of Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City series will never forget the unfortunate events at this location...) and of course the Stroud Gospel singers, two Kirtan singers, and Stroud's own Raga Babas, a 12 piece band with predominantly Indian influences. Though they did finish with a Kirtan style version of Donna Nobis Pacem!

Superb lighting was provided by Hal Wynne-Jones. This was the best shot, so it's the one I picked. The event was a taster for the Stroud Sacred Music festival, now in its 3rd year, so I shall probably be buying a ticket!

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