"We are sailing, We are sailing"

While we were away in Sleaford Betty, F.M.i.L, stayed with one of her other daughters who also lives in Gloucester. they went shopping and she saw this sailing boat and remembered it was one of my passions when I was in the RAF so thought I would like it as a little present. She wasn't wrong, although I used to race dinghies (see extra - Vic (Oldeng) might spot the 1124MCU (RAF Seletar, Singapore) to the right in the background) but I still love anything like this and things about the sea.
So a big thank you to Betty, it's a lovely present for my bedroom but I took this photo in the kitchen to get the blue background.

On Thursday we are going to travel back to Sleaford and taking Betty with us. By this time Julia will have her carpets down and furniture and bits and pieces delivered so it will be looking really good :-)

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