Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

We Did It!

Well, Al did it!

I got up early (like 4:30am early, forgetting about the hour we lost this weekend...) to head back for the morning show on the Super Pod; after 4hrs of me I'm pretty sure Al was sick of the sight of me! As he had a few Skype shows lined up I took the opportunity to go exploring; Southampton is weird, I've decided. After a wander, I met Nick and his lovely wife and kids in the park for some shenanigans followed by coffee; I assume the kids liked me as neither of them cried at my face, so that's a bonus! I was flagging a little after that, so I popped to Toys R Us for a wander before going back to my hotel room for a nap. I love naps. Then it was back to the podcast studio for the final stretch! I've never seen a man look so tired in my entire life, but it was all worth it for the look on his face when he surpassed his fundraising target of £1000!

It's been a really fantastic weekend; despite my nerves I've met some really wonderful people, discovered some great podcasts, had some fun with wonderful mates and been a part of a brilliant fundraising event. Now, I need sleep!

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