
By Paladian

Tiny Spider Sheltering from the Storm

It's blowing a gale out there today. Really!

I put some bird seed in the feeder, and the wind has blown it all out, so not much in the way of birds today. The one shot I did get was out of focus because the branches were waving around so much. So I went out into the front garden, because in theory it is just a little more sheltered out there, but that wasn't so hot either. I took a few flower shots, but again nothing would stay still long enough to get anything decent.

I remembered I had seen a gangley fly thingie around some tulips, which were wide open in the warmer weather yesterday, so I gently prized open a, by now very tightly shut, tulip flower and found this little chappie taking shelter from the storm.

We chased each other around the inside of the flower for a while, and in the end he sat on the anther trying to look invisible. Even though he's so small, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he couldn't have given me a bit of a nip. It's always best to stay away from the business end of a spider in these parts.

I used just one of my extension rings, and I didn't have any trouble with light levels at all.

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