Special Visitors

We got up Saturday, and proceeded to gather out things to head out for a few days.  Just us girls.  It took us longer to get out of the house than I had hoped, but I was having some stomach pain.  Pretty sure it was some heartburn.  grrrrr.....

We arrived at my parent's farm with so much excitement.  Cousin S and her toddler had arrived the evening before from Kentucky.  Woo hoo....we hadn't seen them in 18 months.  Super happy to be together with these special girls.  Sugar was delighted to have time with little A.  It was lovely to see these two together.  Sweetness indeed.  Sugar and a little Sugar.  sigh.....it can't get any better than that.  

We had a great chat....and more chatting....and more chatting.  S and I both are known for being chatty.  Good news.....we like to talk to each other, so it works out.  We stayed up too late chatting though. I won't regret it.

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