Reflections in the Sun

Just trying out a little experiment here. Not sure if it works, but here goes :)

Piece of white paper, glass of water, outside on the ground in the sunshine. Beautiful reflections, but I decided it was a bit plain! Add the reflective flower hanging over the path. That looks better :) Added a small border too, just to be different!

Its only eleven o'clock. Ticked lots of jobs this morning!

applied for some jobs online
cleaned the bedroom (including under the bed, which means lying on the floor for me because I can't kneel!)
washed one load, got another on
had a cuppa coffee while catching up on blip :)
put the oven on to cook lunch and while that's heating up, I'm about to start on the bathroom....

Then I'm working this afternoon. I will need a good rest when I come home :)

All in aid for giving myself pretty much a free day on Friday to prepare for the service I'm leading on Sunday evening, although I have already really sorted, its just needing a few tweaks here and there. Also I need to prepare and pack my pencil case and notepad for the Footsteps course starting on Saturday.

Anyone got any nice ideas for healthy packed lunches? Last year on the course we had a cafe, but that's closed down now.

Have a great day blippers, hope the sun's shining where you are :)

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