Let There Be Light

By solli

Eastern Tailed Blue

Cupido comyntas (Godart, [1824])

I saw the most beautiful delicate butterfly flittering about in Lenape; the wings appeared to have a soft purple cast which immediately drew me to want to follow it, but it swiftly disappeared, dipping within the tall grasses.

A large heron flew across the field but I wasn't enticed; that little blue didn't leave my thoughts for a moment and I regretted that I wasn't able to capture him for the season's tally.

As I picked my way through the brambles and burrs, I placed my camera bag on the ground to adjust my sunglasses and get my bearings. It was time to call it a day since the sky was darkening and the weatherman had predicted more showers.

I bent to retrieve the bag and right in my line of sight, just a few feet away was the blue, contentedly resting on the tip of a reed! Oh, sweet joy of joy!

I crept upon it quite stealthily, and the photo session was going swimmingly until a skipper butterfly poked the Eastern Tailed Blue in the head. What?! A whirling scuffle ensued and the blue flew away. Tried to follow for more, but it was just impossible.

*Thank you again for your hearts and stars on yesterday's LadyBug!

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