Don't Worry, Bee Happy

I had marked my diary to attend a Wear A Hat Day event in aid of brain tumour research in Tollesbury as I thought it would be something different to photograph. That was before I knew that Jazzy had some sinister lumps on her tummy. Justin the vet, who she loves, booked her straight in for surgery. We took her this morning early.

I decided to go to the event to keep my mind off the worry of Jazz under the knife. I packed the car full of headgear. Lots of regular hats but including MrQ's hard hat that her wears when using the chainsaw, his sheep's head and his Jane In A Plane flying helmet.

I had hardly got out of the gate when I noticed that the car felt funny. At first I put it down to being stressed about my dog. Further up the road I realised that it was real, thinking that at 131,000 miles she had finally snuffed it.

I returned home and phoned RJs. "Bring it round" they said. As soon as the guy saw it he noticed that I had a nearly flat tyre on the back. What a silly cow I am. I hadn't even checked the tyres. I wasn't myself. They removed a screw and repaired the tyre.

I had to go hunting on my own after lunch. I think the above might be a male tawny mining bee. I saw a Reynard red female but failed to capture it. 

I welled up when we collected Jazzy. Even though she'd had a major operation she wagged her tail and trotted out to the car. As expected she wouldn't get out when we got home. (Extras) I tried to tempt her with titbits. In the end I had a brilliant idea. I started bashing about with saucepans, crockery and cutlery in the kitchen. As soon as she hears that she usually comes to play football as goalie between the kitchen and the living room. It did the trick, she slowly walked from the car and into her bed. Was it a Pavlovian response? Maybe, he did work with dogs. 

So pleased to have Jazzy home. She's on very light duties for a while. I'll have to look after the blue tits and keep an eye out for Fat Face. 

Today's poem is A Hymn to God the Father by John Donne.

Not in the mood for stuff like this.  

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