Leaves from my Monteloro Cookbook

We both took a sigh of relief today and kicked back a bit after epic job-starting and house-hunting. The weather was a tad cooler with none of the ridiculous temps of the last few days.

We drove into Florence from our hilly fastness alongside the Arno to the market at Sant' Ambrogio. This stands a bit away from the main tourist areas and was laid back and relaxed.

We bought a ton of fresh veg and fruit. Broadbeans, peas and asparagus are all in full swing. Then a mini shoulder of Sardinian lamb, some proper Tuscan pancetta sliced for us, provolone, bread and a half kilo of fresh prawns.

The bloke at the cheese stand showered us with cheeses to try. I said likely we would be around for a bit and with time would work our way through his selection of deliciousness. He had a runny Stracchino that was deathly good. He reassured us that with 'il formaggio non si ingrassi' - cheese doesn't make you fat. Fubrbetti 'sti Fiorentini!

On the way back we had forgotten to buy wine and we stopped in Sieci - it was after two by now and most things were shut. Luckily the road resurfacing was finished that had held me  - and half of Italy - up in the baking heat yesterday.

I popped into a cafe and asked the charming bloke behind the bar if he by any chance had any white wine. He said that all he had was wine in bottles without labels from the wine shop next door. He produced a bottle of Vermentino and a lightly frizzante Prosecco Both were lovely and cold. For 7 Euros.

I walked back to The Principal with a spring in my step.

There were lots of enticing places to eat around the market but with our fresh produce we beetled back to the house. I sauteed the prawns with garlic, red pepper, a little green pepper, lots of olive oil and parsley at the end. Then thrown in with some cooked rigatoni (and a few penne).

The prawns were good, you could have eaten them raw said the woman at the fishmongers.  The Vermentino was light and sparkled in the sun as we ate outside.

Now a little siesta and then maybe a walk.

Tomorrow we go to do a serious viewing of the house I discovered two days ago. I said at the time, to the neighbour, It feels as if I have fallen into a little piece of paradise.

Here's hoping it still feels that way and the asking price is within our reach.

On the downside the bloody Air Conditioning has stopped working. Hey ho.

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