From My Garden

I nearly got caught out with light saving came off this morning, I had been busy all afternoon and all of a sudden it was getting dark and it wasn't even 5 pm.  The garden to the rescue (again). 
With day light saving and the clocks going back one hour gives a longer day - still not long enough for what I had to do.....grrrrrr

Doug did the lawns, I did the edges this afternoon  - its been so wet for many days and had grown quickly.  With more rain forecast it really had to be done and this afternoon when there was a window of opportunity.

Thanks for your interest in yesterdays field trip - I have marked it on the map if any of you want to have a look.

I'm sorry, but I have too much on to comment on your journals for a few days, I'm fanatically trying to get my Blurb book finished before the discount finishes and tomorrow our judge and his wife are staying overnight.  He will be giving his results then presenting one of his lectures at our photography club tomorrow night.  


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