Scooter Club

Today I didn't have a lie-in, I got up and saw Jae off to football, then caught up on last night's Rugby League.

I decided to go into town to see what there was to photograph. There's an annual scooter festival on the Brayford - I sincerely hope this wasn't it! There was only around a dozen scooters, and the actual event is normally quite well attended.

I nipped into M&S, as I wanted to try a couple of things fellow Blipper Welshmaid had raved about on occasion : hot cross buns and cheesy dirty fries! 

I got the fries and some spaghetti carbonara for Jae, and as they were on a multibuy offer, got him a mac and cheese too! Our M&S doesn't have the flavoured hot cross buns Welshmaid spoke about, unfortunately - the only flavoured ones they had were orange - based, and the only orange flavoured things I like are actual oranges, so I just got some of the regular fruit ones. They look like they have lots of fruit in anyway!

On the way to town my newly ex-boss was at the shop, and he called me over as my previous/near future boss was there. (Confusing I know!) and we sorted hours out. It went smoother than I expected, and I'll no longer have to do Saturdays - at least not too often! My day off in the week may change too, to Thursday. I hope so, as then I will have two "rugby" nights off!

I think I may also be working with a lad named Farid who used to be one of our potato boys at West End! That will be OK!

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