Mrs James running along the wall

And almost out of the picture. This is a female pheasant so probably the mate to James one of our male pheasants.
A working morning and evening, but a free afternoon to catch up with other jobs.
Since the bulky dressing came off my wrist I am able to do more. Yesterday I did some knitting for the first time in almost a week. This morning my thumb and some of my hand was swollen. I was then scolded by my daughter who said I was using it too much! If I do not use it will become stiff. I avoided doing some gardening this afternoon, even though it is a lovely sunny day, as I do not want to get an infection in the wound and scolded again, although it looks as though it has healed already. My follow-up appointment is not until the 12 April so hopefully the extra swelling I have caused will have gone down by then, otherwise I will probably be in trouble with Mr Ahmad!


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