Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Strange old day

Dentist first thing for myself and C. Nothing untoward to report this time thankfully.

Back home to find W in a foul mood. Took him, to his disgust, to get his hair cut. Hairdresser wasn't there (third time this has happened). Headed to town to get it sorted there. W had a mood transplant whilst we were there and came home a much nicer child to be with.

W and C played well together all afternoon, inside with loombands, outside with all sorts. They both then went swimming. Him for his lesson, her for fun, although she did swim lengths for at least 20mins of the 40 she was in the pool.

N&P then came to baby squish while we nipped to Letchworth to watch Ventoux (Jim's bday present), a play chronicling the rivalry and doping of Lance Armstrong and Marco Pantani. Cleverly done I thought.

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