Mediocrity Photography

By EqoZ


My Uncle and Aunt live in Okinawa, Japan, as do my 3 cousins.

Well, as did my 3 cousins. One of them (Shion*, on the right) is attending college at Marquette University this year. His dad and his younger brother (brother on left) came to Milwaukee to get Shion situated for the start of the school year. For my family, that meant a big gathering and loads of food - this was only the kids' second visit to the United States, and there are a lot of family members for them to get to know.

It must've been a very daunting day for them, dealing with 30 or so people they've only met once before (and were quite young at the time), dealing with jet lag, dealing with the impending starting school year, dealing with your oldest son moving out, dealing with culture shock (To *some* degree. While Conrad*, their dad, is American, I'm not foolish enough to believe that their household is no different than the one I grew up in).

As the evening got darker and cooler, the siblings lit up a fire outside. I caught a moment as the two of them decompressed a bit. They really look out for each other, and it was quite sweet.

The semester at Marquette has started by now, and Shion is in the thick of things, hopefully doing well.

*not their real name

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