Last of the Bloom

The sun intermittently shone as I set about the ground elder and couch grass up and down the slope. An enjoyable enough task, but my mind kept flitting over to the boat. Mast lifting anxiety time. The topping lift! I’d left it in the boat, so how was I going to prep the mast? And if you don’t prep… ’nuff said. So, I headed round there, helped with Eclipse, and then Andy and I headed out round the harbour. By this time it was blowing quite hard.
So, topping lift and a couple of blocks retrieved, back to prep. All this effort to get everything ready for next weekend’s big sail - which will probably come to nought as the forecast doesn’t look too promising.
Home to discuss our planned trip to Canada and the US. We’ve decided we’ll go for it. For just now. And then a new TV series after that last one (‘You are Wanted ‘ - some German dreck which we persisted with for some unfathomable reason). The Affair, with Dominic West - most promising, though everyone knows that as it’s been around for a couple of years. I’d never heard of it.

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