Waiting for the 10.47

Our local bus company does a pretty good job with an hourly service along my route, at least until early evening (so no cinema trips unless by car) and even a skeleton service on Sundays. But recently we were informed that the county council was withdrawing the funding for Sunday buses so people who rely on it to get to work, visit friends, go to an event or reach the starting point of a walk will be left with high and dry. Regular bus users are in the main young, old and/or poor.

Unusually, today there were 11 people waiting in Fishguard to catch the bus travelling from Haverfordwest in the south to Cardigan in the north. The three men with shopping bags who may, like me, have been to the weekly market. The woman on the far right setting off to walk from a point further up the coast. The woman in the wheelchair and her carer going to a party. Two people holding cups of coffee, another with a dog on a lead. On Sunday they will all have to find other forms of transport or curtail their activities. It's a sad reflection of the current state of affairs in which services for those who need them the most are the ones that are being whittled away the fastest.

The Hollies of course.

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