Reikes small life...

By Reike

Finland in a nutshell

1. Drinking coffee
We went to Savonlinna to check out the fortress and drank some coffee. Our Lonely Planet guide says: The Finns are the biggest coffee drinkers of the world (the biggest or the ones who drink the most coffee?). We also had some snacks. You don't eat something that's called "Mustikkakkupala" every day.

2. Taking a canoe to the water

Finland has 187'888 lakes. The "land of thousand lakes" is a bit under-estimating it.

3. Trees
We had a walk through the forest (besides some of these lakes). There are really a LOT of trees! We already realized this when driving along the coast - we didn't see the sea for all these trees, and driving through the lakeland, when we asked ourselves: Where are all these lakes? Hidden behind billions of trees.

Good fun day.

Flashead, I will be able to check my mails tomorrow morning, can you send me your mobile number to

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