A Dog's Dinner

By G

Stars in a cars....or bikes.

Imagine this. My car is in the garage. I get a call from them saying they've not started the work but would like to talk about the bill. I should say at this point that we all use the garage and the guys give us spectacular service.

The upshot was that they did not want to charge us for their time!

Could we print out one of their pictures that appeared on Blip and as a quid pro co they wouldn't charge. After a few minutes discussion back and forth we came to a deal resulting today in Joe's printing marathon. Now I've got a selection of lovely A3 images ready for the wall and they've got one for theirs.

Did I pay? They wouldn't let me. A bunch of stars!

On a sad note we heard today of the death of Terry Nutkins. Until comparatively recently Terry lived in our village and we would often see him out and about in fact he tried to buy our house. As you can imagine he was very well regarded and liked by all. Very sad.

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