Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Chicago day 6

We only had time for a little walk along the Chicago River before heading to the airport for the flight home to Seattle. Many sailboats were making their way past all the bridges to get to the locks and Lake Michigan ( the river used to empty sewage into the lake but the flow has been reversed and cleaned up considerably) I thought I needed to record the event of the grandsons trip with my feeble body ( Oskar says the only thing we lost was my bone connections ..he hung on to his phone hat and jacket!) for my blip book so played with these on the airplane with "superimpose " and "snapseed". (only picture I had and we were much too hot was almost 80 degrees here) and put 2 together with just a "touch" of vintage look. it was a bit bumpy so I might look at them tomorrow and redo it...I'm too tired tonight and looking forward to my own bed. Watched La La Land and liked it more than I expected. Nik was so great helping me put my boze earphones on.. He tried to do it himself with one hand and couldn't so we laughed about that.. And he tied my shoes and zipped my bag..!!They were both a delight and we learned many things about the world of middle school boys.
Looking forward to a quiet Easter and hope you that celebrate have a lovely day.

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