Roslin to Musselburgh - 12 miles

The good thing about living in Edinburgh is; there's so many fabulous walks right on our doorstep and the public transport system is so good that we can take a bus to the start of a walk and then get another bus home from the end of our walk. Much as we love Cornwall (for anyone who doesn't follow our Blips regularly; we're trying to live between St Ives & Edinburgh) ; lone walking a linear route isn't really a possibility because the bus service in Cornwall is practically non existent.

Today we jumped on a bus and went to Roslin, had a quick look at the Rosslyn Chapel and then walked all the way to Musselburgh.

Best laid plans and all that?......................................

….....................Was hoping to walk along the River Esk for most of the way but after faffing about in the woods near the river at Roslin, and walking along paths that just ended up stopping abruptly, and looking down into the valley which was really steep and didn't appear to have a route down, and walking through fields because we didn't have a clue where the path went, and climbing over fences, and being put back on my lead because there were lots of sheep and cute little lambs about.................................. we eventually ended up on a cycle path to Loanhead and then walked on a very nice footpath through fields and a woody area to Lasswade.

Google maps are definitely NOT the best when one wants to know where one is going?! And 'Strava' is great for telling us where we've been, but not very good for telling us where we want to go.

Anyway after about 6 miles we made it into Dalkeith Country Park Yay!

And from there we just followed the river, all the way back to Musselburgh. (Apart from about a mile of walking along a main road).

And as luck would have it; when we reached the bus stop in Musselburgh a No. 26 bus was due in 3 mins. And when we got off the bus at York Place a No. 16 bus was due in 3 mins. So we managed to get all the way home from Musselburgh in less than an hour. Yay!

Tired now. I asked Ann for 'early dinner' when we got in but I've only eaten half of it.

….............And Ann had a glass of wine at 4.30pm.......................

Both lying flaked out on the sofas now.

Happy Easter Blippers. xx

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