Water mill at the Geul

Day #2 of the challenge "Photo7days"  (Foto7daagse)
The challenge was to go out and make a photo.
Not so difficult! :)

The history of the mill goes back to 1275, when built as a ban mill of glory Wijlre. 
The first written mention of the clergy in 1420. A bill to restore the mill by the then Lord of Wijlre, Scheiffart Gerard van Merode, mentions the year 1485. 
Traditionally, this mill was a corn and oil mill. The current mill building and the associated date indicate dwelling house in 1776 as the wall anchors. In that year, the existing buildings were completely renovated and has also built a farm and a brewery or Panhuis. 
Owners of the property at that time were the lords of the free imperial glory Wijlre. The house with windmill, farm and brewery were leased by them. With the abolition of the Ancien Régime late eighteenth century, came Wijlre castle, mill, farm and brewery owned by the Eugene Guillaume Massen. In 1871, the brewery was sold separately to the brewer Frederik Edmond Brand; 
This was the beginning of the Brand's brewery became one of the most famous breweries in Limburg.

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