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The Grouse Grind

Today I decided to walk up the Grouse Grind, a 2.9km steep path to the top of Grouse Mountain. As I reached the 1/4 mark I could no longer remember what my motivation had been, at the halfway point I could no longer see anyone around me enjoying themselves, the only sound was everyone struggling to breathe! It's a hard slog up a path littered with rocks, the trail has eroded so much in some places that it is difficult to follow. It's an endurance test, there isn't much to see on the way, the steps are relentless and there is no view. Until you reach the top that is, when the view on a clear, sunny day is spectacular! This is looking over from the main ski run (the white patch here). In the distance with snow still on the top is Mount Baker which is in America.

Last time we were here it was a lot colder!

Pleased with the exercise (and I saved $30 on the cable car ticket), I enjoyed walking around and remarking to myself how different everything looks in the summer. I went to the grizzly bear den (they were both asleep hiding in the shade), watched a weirdly scripted lumberjack show, and drank a coke with more ice than coke.

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