Knitting With Dogs

What a long busy day! I'm exhausted. It was supposed to be a simple day, with just a knitting meet-up, but you know how that goes.

We scored some fish scraps for the upcoming tomato planting; unfortunately the very deep holes have not yet been dug, so we needed to figure out how to store the fish. Three five-gallon buckets worth of big stinky fish parts, guts and heads and bones. The plan was to separate them in smaller piles and bag 'em up for the freezer, but that was much easier said than done. In the end, we filled nine plastic bags and had to farm some of them out to the neighbor's freezer, but we are ready for planting time. Then we needed showers and clean clothes. Perhaps we could have waited to get the scraps til the holes were dug, but you can't count on availability. Grab 'em while you can and damn the torpedoes.

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