Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Knitting - Cardigan

I have spent almost all day and evening knitting the back for this cardigan, putting it together and knitting the button and buttonhole band. It still needs four buttons to be sewn on, but that will have to wait for another day. It is for the orphanage that I knit for and although they are not keen on pale colours; lack of water means they have none to spare for washing clothes. The do not do pink for girls and blue for boys, but as I have quite a lot of this wool, hopefully someone will be able to make use of it.

Victoria, our granddaughter visited during the day, not so much to see us, but to use our In Internet connection as their connection has not been fixed. She needed to complete a piece of work this weekend, which she did during the four hors she was here.

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