A day in the life

By neacail


As is tradition, Mr Broon hosted the first poker game of the year. A decent turnout of seven players, including no less than 4 blippers. Way too much beer, champagne and wine tanned as the game went on. Started about 6, finished about 2 ish making it an 8 hour marathon.
I had an early rush of blood to the head and went all in with top pair, got beat (obviously!), bought in, did the same thing again but with top two pair, got called by trips, total suck out on the river giving me a thoroughly undeserved chip lead.
Fraser won in the end after a clash of 2 monster hands. I went all in with a 7 5 off suit (!), Fraser called with 8 - 10 off suit (!!) thats about as much as I remember apart from hiccuping in the cab all the way home.

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