Peacock Butterfly (Posh name: Aglais io)

It was such a nice afternon, my Editor & I went for a walk in Plessey Woods Countryside Park, about 10 miles north of Newcastle. (I blipped from there in May last year.)

We've heard that there's a lot of wildlife there - including roe deer, dippers, kingfishers, otters etc). Sadly we didn't see much of it, probably because lots of other folks (& dogs) were there too. We did very briefly see a dipper and a treecreeper, and a heron flew overhead through the trees, but there was no chance to photograph them. This Peacock Butterfly did however sit sunning itself for long enough for me to grab a few shots. I had my telephoto lens on (hoping to capture some distant wildlife) which proved useful as I didn't have to go too close to get this photo which is only mildly cropped. I like the way the tips of its antennae were glowing like tiny eyes in the sun!

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