knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1


Had a rubbish nights sleep last night thanks to my parents house alarm company phoning me at 330am to say the alarm had gone off. My parents live 50 miles away and after 3 cans of cider and 2 hours sleep i was in no state to drive. Thankfully managed to get something sorted. Then thom came through at 7am. Hes happy watching tv at the weekends so got him sorted and went back to bed for a bit.
So today has been a bit of a write off.
Managed to dive out for a bit and catch up with friends. Even got myself signed up to a yarn club which is rather exciting.
The few functioning brain cells that I have, have been working on figuring out a new scarf design. It's using my handspun (the chunky horizontal yarns above) with some elastic yarn and commercial Aran weight wool. I'm hoping I can get a crinkly chunky scarf effect, fingers crossed. The blip is of a little sample piece. I'm finding that sampling is rather important in weaving.
This isn't total procrastination as I'm teaching a class at the end of October and need some sample scarves. Nice excuse to get some more weaving done.

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