Curbar Edge

After all the driving yetsrday it seemed like a good idea to do a walk from where we're staying in Baslow and with the forecast saying that ir would throw it down in the afternoon, we set off up the road and up the hill for a walk along Baslow Edge and Curbar Edge. The whole walk would be 7 1/2 miles which I thought would be a bit much for Lady Marian, especially with the gradients involved. There was quite a chilly breeze as we walked up there but some nice light too. When we got up on Curbar Edge Marian didn't want to retrace our steps so we carried on and then down to Froggat Edge where the track became a bit daunting as it seemed more like rock climbing and we wished we had ropes to abseil down some parts. We arrived at ground level by a pub where we stopped for a coffee before carrying on. It was 8 1/4 miles by the time we got back to base so I reckon the gal done well! There where a few little flurries of hail on the way but we arrived home before the rain started seriously.

We quite liked the pub where we stopped for coffee so we've just been back there for supper this evening. There are some more here if you'd like to see them. There's an extra of a view from Curbar Edge too.

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