Glass beach

Woke up to a thick drizzle, the sort that blocks the view completely! We had another excellent breakfast and even talked to a French family touring USA without speaking much English! They were as pleased as I was to chat in French!

Joined up with Ro's cousin and went off to Fort Bragg to see the glass beach! We travelled those windy roads for miles going in and out of clouds! The coast being nearly invisible! Finally after a stop for petrol it was decided to have lunch first another salad for me with cod this time! Yum!

Then down to the beach were we saw all the tiny bits of coloured glass. No blue though! The coast is amazing with huge rocks just out to sea, some on the beach too! Took photos in the drizzle!

Finally traced our steps back to the Navarro estuary where we picked up the 128. Again windy roads following the Navarro river inland through forests of redwood trees! Amazing! The visibility was better then. Then there were rolling hills with vineyards. Finley after a really windy area we reached the 101 and were on the way home. Over the huge Richmond bridge, we travelled under the cars going the other way!

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