The Trots

See this Sonos?  Great when it works, but being totally dependant on Sonos (and Deezer) for any music in three rooms isn’t so great when it stuffs up, as it did the previous night. So I spend some time on Twitter seeing if anyone else has the issue - the usual fixes are tried and fail (switch off, yes, yes, switch on). Eventually, around midday technical dude says the all the failures are for people on Virginmedia. Great. Please be patient people, they’re working on it.
Off up town to get some garb. Funereal shoes. My existing black ones are just too shabby. Also Jeans and 14 pairs of socks! They come in bundles of seven at M&S. That’s a sock a day for 4 weeks - holiday wear sorted.
There was a trip to pay the water taxi service at RFYC, and later a trip to the Diggeries - just MrMcC there until big J and his son David roll in after seeing Christy Moore at The Usher Hall. I quite fancy listening  to some old Christy if only I could. Grrr @deezer @virginmedia @sonosSupport #fekk!!!

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