Busy Bees

After the recent cold snap it was a pleasant surprise to wake up to a much warmer and sunny morning.
Let's hope it stays that way for the Bank Holiday Weekend.
Going to be a busy one for us: spectating at the Three Peaks Race running tomorrow, Tour of Yorkshire cycle race coming through our village on Sunday then Ilkley Carnival on Monday.
Got things in the diary for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week too.
While all this is going on we are still decorating and decluttering the second bedroom.
Mr P was ruthless in his minimisation of his clothes, six bin bags so far for the charity shop.
Yesterday was prep day which always takes Mr P longer than the actual painting.
Delivery of new furniture came on Wednesday so it's all in my studio (smallest bedroom really) at the moment so out of bounds for the moment.
I'm hoping by this time next week it will all be done and dusted.
All this has meant no walking and another blip from the garden.
Alba Clematis now starting to flower and this little honey bee is certainly enjoying it as much as me.
Thanks to Biker Bear for her constant hosting of Flower Friday

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