Loving The Blossoms!

I woke up in suburban New Jersey this morning! At about 4am. Which is about my normal when on the east coast. I spent the next 4 hours or so catching up with some reading, admin and chatting with a friend. By 830 I was feeling drowsy and fell asleep again for 3 more hours! I wish I would do that more often! It makes working a night flight back to London a bit more bearable.

After a shower I had just enough time for a mad dash to go for lunch, and then ran two quick errands to Whole Foods and CVS and was back to the hotel 30 min before our pickup for the airport.

I was delighted to see a small group of these trees during my mad dash - I presume cherry blossoms? I often try to make it to Washington this time of year to see their famous cherry trees but I may miss it this year, so I was excited to see these! I only had time for a few quick snaps, so this will have to do for my blip today. There are some beautiful old colonial houses in this neighbourhood - you can get just a small glimpse behind the tree. One day I'll have to do a collage of some of my favourites.

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