Threatening skies over the North Downs

A day of contrasts in the weather. Beautifully sunny early in the morning during my run then around lunch time when we were out for a walk an oppressive bank of cloud built up away to the north, darkened by the effects of the sun.

Fortunately, we avoided whatever fell from this cloud but it spelt the end of the pleasant weather as more clouds rolled in from the east. This state of affairs held for most of the rest of the day with only some slight scats of rain while we were at the allotment in the afternoon.

We searched diligently for signs of life from the beetroot, carrots and parsnips sown in mid April.  Forensic examination and careful examination of weeds showed that the carrots had germinated but only a few beetroot and no parsnips. The only solution was to sow more rows, hoping that the warmer weather and recent rains will aid germination this time.  Meanwhile, the broad beans and peas sown last autumn continue to grow well despite the dry weather.

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