A Bee of a Day

Up at 5:30 as C was getting up anyway then, and I needed to open up the village hall at 6:15 as it is a polling station for the local elections.
I caught up with all sorts of jobs nice and early before going to Stratford for an eye test. I mentioned to them that my current specs are a bit loose so they said they would adjust the arms for me. They did, but sadly in the process, the right arm snapped in half. These are my best specs and are all singing and dancing varifocal / transitions (go dark in the sun) and with an anti-glare coating. They are also Christian Dior which I had treated myself to as I wear them most of the time.
I didn't know whether to cry - and neither did the lady who broke them. 
They let me choose from any frames that I wanted and are going to make me a new pair up with the same specification - but they are not my lovely Dior frames as they don't stock them. 
They have glued them for me but I don't know how long that will last. Oh well.......................
When I arrived home I started to do a bit of work on the computer and a tiny bee dropped from the Velux window into my hair (which is quite thick so it got lost in there for quite a few seconds). It then dropped down into my top and down my cleavage. I ripped the top off and danced around the room. I put the top back on and carried on. Ten minutes later the same thing happened.
I armed myself with a shower hat and a towel around my shoulders. Another one got on my face and was heading up my left nostril!
It's not my day. And I've still got to lock the hall up at 10 pm too!!
(That is not normally part of my remit on the Hall Committee but the person whose job it is has cleared off to Cornwall for a Blipmeet!!! Bizarrely it is he who normally has problems with his specs and all manner of strange mishaps - when I said I'd understudy I only meant for the hall keys!)
As I write I am wearing a pink shower hat, a blue towel around my shoulders, and a piece of muslin around my mouth and nose. Roll on tomorrow it might be a better day. 
You've got to laugh - at least I wasn't stung, either at the opticians or in the office.

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