Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Shirley Collins

It's hard to over-estimate the importance of Shirley Collins to the so-called 'folk revival' of the mid-20th Century. She really is a legend in folkie circles.

Like me, she hails from Sussex - and she still lives down in Lewes - but her first notable appearance on the musical map of the last century was in the USA in 1959 when she accompanied her then-partner, the revered American folk-song collector Alan Lomax, on a song-gathering trip around the southern United States, where, amongst other things, they brought the country-blues singer Mississippi Fred McDowell to a wider audience.

Back in England, Shirley embarked on a notable performing and recording career, variously performing solo, with her sister Dolly, with Davy Graham (on the hugely influential 'Folk Roots, New Routes' album in 1964), and as a member of The Albion Band, The Albion Country Band, The Albion Dance Band and The Etchingham Steam Band.

Now aged 81, Shirley has recently released 'Lodestar', her first album in 38 years.

From the album, here's her wonderful rendition of 'Death and the Lady'

And, if that's not enough Shirley Collins for you, it's well worth checking out a recent interview which she did for The Quietus...

'Lodestar' has met with huge critical acclaim and Shirley is now touring it with a band which includes former Oyster Band member, Ian Kearey, and former Coil member, Ossian Brown (which, fellow music bores will note, means that Shirley is now only one degree of separation away from 'challenging' purveyors of industrial noise music, Throbbing Gristle!).

After 3 decades away from live performance, caused by the trauma-related loss of her singing voice, she seems to be having an absolute blast!

Support tonight came from a previous Blip subject of mine, Scottish folkie-extraordinaire Alasdair Roberts ( ), and from Olivia Chaney, an English folk-baroque singer who is in many ways the heir to Shirley and her generation of singers.

As a side note, Olivia has just recorded an album of traditional songs with my favourite band, The Decemberists! They're calling themselves Offa Rex and they sound great - why not have a look/listen?

Thanks to Shirley and all the musicians and magnificent Morris dancers (yes!) who made tonight's show so memorable. It was a real pleasure to hear Shirley sing. Something I never thought I'd do!

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