I’m not quite sure I completely understand the Mono Monday challenge for this week - "Un Regard Oblique", translated as “A sidelong glance” so rather than NOT do it, I opted to take a photograph when we were shopping at Waitrose this morning.   In fact, looking at the photograph now, it was a sort of sidelong glance, as we passed the cheese counter! 

When we first got there about an hour earlier, we were amazed to see that the car park was very empty and there weren’t that many people in the store, but that soon changed.  

On the way round, I saw these two assistants, having a chat and a joke between themselves.  Perhaps they were talking about last night’s television or what they had been doing at the weekend - or perhaps they were even laughing because a “silly old lady” - me - was taking photographs of cheese!

Whatever they were laughing about, I thought it made a good shot so this is my contribution for the Mono Monday challenge.

I would add that despite what Michael McIntyre said in his programme on television on Saturday evening, we are not snobbish about going to Waitrose, we just happen to prefer it and of course, we get a free coffee and a free newspaper!  This morning, the bonus was that we met some friends there and had a pleasant hour with them before finishing our shopping.

"I will follow the upward road today; 
     I will keep my face to the light. 
I will think high thoughts as I go my way; 
     I will do what I know is right. 
I will look for the flowers by the side of the road; 
     I will laugh and love and be strong. 
I will try to lighten another’s load this day 
     as I fare along."

Mary S. Edgar : 1889-1973

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