Bull Elephant in Must

Another morning drive and we saw lots as always. Since this week's challenge is textures, I thought I would Blip the lovely leathery skin of this bull elephant that we came across, who was showing all the signs of being in must (wrapping his trunk around his tusk and dribbling pee) and therefore we were careful to keep our distance. Other sightings included a warthog whose family ran past , a lovely harem of impalas, a giraffe, a kudu, a hamerkop preening, a yellow hornbill, and some birds fighting for the water at the infinity pool (a hippo laid claim to this last year during a drought). Also seen included a giant kingfisher, a pied kingfisher, a snake eagle, guinea fowl etc etc. The vervet monkeys are a menace and have become adept at stealing the bread from the lunch tables. A male kudu and his 4 females ran across the lawn in front of us at lunchtime, as well as a solitary klipspringer.  And that's just so far today. There is still the evening drive to come....

Update. The evening drive revealed some more giraffes, some dwarf mongooses hiding in termite holes (extra), and amazingly a group of six rhinos having fun by a waterhole. We went in search of a stop for evening cocktails only to find yet another rhino out for a stroll. No more leopard sightings after dark, unfortunately, but tomorrow morning we go to a hyena den. We did see a lone male hyena on the road tonight.

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