Working out of Leeds

Work has been so hectic lately that I haven't been taking the longer route to the office by the canal, something I used to do most days when I started blipping last year. This morning the guard closed the train doors on me a bit early, forcing me to run the length of the four coaches to get on at his end, somewhat annoying as for once I left myself with the full four minutes it requires to walk to the station and I arrived in good time! But, because I was at the opposite end of the train to normal it was more natural to embark on my longer route, and I was rewarded with the sight of this wonderful old rust bucket moored up by the footbridge. It looks very much the worse for wear, but is still very much doing a job along the canal.

Suffered a rather frustrating day at the office which I don't need to describe. Instead I'll talk about film and music. We watched Jo Nesbo's Headhunters last night. I've read a couple of Jo Nesbo novels, which I've thoroughly enjoyed, so I knew what to expect and I wasn't disappointed. Roam went as far as to say it was the best film he'd ever seen! I certainly wouldn't go that far, but it was a clever, gruesome and highly engaging thriller, the inexorable logic of the plot working itself out in a brilliant and brutal fashion.

With the nights closing in quickly now, we seem to have got on a roll with watching movies after quite a long abstinence. Even when the weather is awful it still doesn't seem like an appropriate way to spend a summer evening! I forgot to mention that we also watched "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen", one of those gentle, quirky and charming romantic comedies that you have to be pretty hard-nosed not to enjoy. We loved it.

Finally, I'm still playing the Smoke Fairies. Their music has got right under my skin. Click here to see a haunting acoustic version of Awake from their most recent "Blood Speaks" album. There is something a little bit special about these two women.

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