By Himself

By Himself

Rieveaux Abbey

Those monks new something about location - the abbey sits in beautifully lush valley flanked by tree topped hills and a river running past forming nearby lakes for fish on Fridays.
12 miles from Helmsley to Kilburn today plus an extra mile to the abbey. From my B&B I can see the Kilburn white horse. I passed Sutton Bank where Turner sketched on his travels. 
This sketch is on two pages measuring only about 4 * 3 inches each so attempting the abbey was perhaps foolhardy but I am actually quite pleased with the loose treatment (Herself will have fallen of her chair reading that!). Very difficult to get a good photo of it too so the colours are not quite right here.
The sun has reappeared and tomorrow's forecast is for warm weather so Kilburn to Osmotherley should be enjoyable.
Thanks for all your comments and hearts. Not much time to return them so apologies for that.

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