On reading

A window in a window - you've got the front view in the back window in the kitchen - er, you know what I mean. All windows were looking nice today - in the sunshine!!!! - so I've also done a window collage in the extra Note Jerome is looking most comfortable.

I've had an odd day and have been thinking about Madchickenwoman's journal from yesterday - about head space, and reading and silence and solitude. The deliciousness of the book as she put it. It made me think and a bit of serendipity occurred. I am reading an excellent book at the moment - Life After Life by Kate Atkinson, actually a second reading but I am so enjoying it. Today I did something unheard of and read, in bed, whilst having my morning cuppa! Unheard of for I still feel guilty about reading in the daytime - something that was much frowned on when I was growing up. If it wasn't absolutely lashing you were expected to be outside doing things. Acceptable doing things included: making dens in the yew tree (highly toxic), decorating the Barbie dolls with flowers, making mud pies, climbing the chestnut tree (highly dangerous), occasional help with weeding, hitting a ball attached to a pole (can't remember it's name); playing with a shuttlecock and pretending to be a pony. I don't think reading outside was acceptable unless it was the dreaded Janet and John homework.

I've always loved reading but it usually gets done at night but today - not only was I reading before I even got up but I've been reading all day - outside!! I had to take my car in to get new shock absorbers and I hoped he might do it instantly. No, I had four and a half hours to kill - in Durrus! There is a grocer's, a Post Office, a charity shop and four pubs in Durrus. By the time I walked home, it would be time to come back again (16km and I was in flip flops) so I bought a large roll and decided to find somewhere comfy and scenic - to read!! First I loitered in the churchyard, beautiful and overlooking the estuary, and I read the paper and did the crossword, until I was politely asked to move on as the caretaker wanted to spray stuff. So next I went down to the quay, dabbled my toes in the water and ate my roll followed by more reading ( I had bought my book) and was joined by a dobermann wearing a spotted neckerchief. He wasn't that keen on reading, more interested in stones.Then it was alsmost too hot so I wandered to a shadier part of the strand, more reading under a hawthorn tree. Even better I found some suntan lotion and a squashed crunchie in my backpack. Finally, I did a gentleish walk down small lanes and across country, bravely walking past cattle and just reveling in the sunshine, the flowers, the indulgent solitude and the gentle beauty of it all. Pure pleasure as Madchickenwoman noted. I just had time for an ice cream before collecting the car.

And even more reading lies ahead for the book club is coming to me tonight - we are discussing Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri, a collection of short stories- excellent.

Sorry for going on, but simple pleasures.... sometimes you do need to take a moment (or a few hours) to just look around, slow down the pace and be thankful. Now I'd better tidy up!

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