A Wren's spring song

Mrs. House Wren, fondly called Jenny in New England has joined her mate this morning. She seems to have signaled that the house they used last season is the ONE to be inhabited this season too. It needs sprucing up, old nesting materials that don't meet her standards are being discarded as I type. Lots of singing and flying in and out of the house. I love these little tyrants unlike the frightening one in our White House.

Nature is a good balm to soothe and reassure, something I really need this morning. Last evening 45 tried to pull the rug out from beneath the Russian iInvestigation. Things were heating up and the firing of James Comey perhaps was designed to dampen or shut down an investigation that was getting too close.  It's positively Nixonian, and I lived through those terrible times. James Comey was certainly not my favorite as the Presidential race neared election day, but I believe his firing yesterday was an obstruction of justice. As a human being he deserved to hear of his firing in private, not on a TV screen as he was addressing FBI folks in California. We are now in an even more terrifying time. We need a special prosecutor. I hope and trust that our checks and balances will be strong enough to withstand this frightful storm, this frightful man.

When is enough enough? It probably doesn't help that I just reread The Handmaid's Tale. I am very, very scared.

For the Record,
This day came in cool and sunny.

All hands beyond dismayed.  

Great niece update...She's making more pre-entrance to the world signs now. Sarah was 2 cm dilated yesterday at her check up. If Nora Jo doesn't arrive earlier, Friday will be the induction day. All excited!!!

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