Silly Saturday - tie.

A certain little dilute calico cat got me up at quarter to five this morning demanding breakfast!  I should really have gone back to bed, but I stayed up and ended up catching the train to Edinburgh at eight o'clock.  

I had been thinking about buying a bridge camera for a while and had been seriously eyeing up the Nikon P900.   Also in the running was the Canon SX60, so I popped into John Lewis to have a look at both of them.  In the store, I met a lovely young man named Don who was able to answer all my questions.  He also asked if I'd considered a compact system camera and we blethered away for an hour or so.

I realised that these decisions should never be made on an empty stomach, so retreated to the cafe for a sausage In a roll and a wee look at online reviews.   Suitably fortified, I returned to the photography department and purchased a Sony a6000.

The new baby is on charge at the moment so I took this blip with my iPhone.  This is my new work tie and I took one look at it and thought of the Silly Saturday Challenge.  It's not exactly subtle, is it?

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