Ordinary Voters

Last week, the Conservative leader, Theresa May visited Northumberland ...

The BBC, Sky News, The Daily Mail, The Express, The Times and the local media lapped up the story. It was reported as confirmation of May's promise to visit 'all 4 corners of the UK' and reach out and talk to ordinary people. Photos were circulated and film footage played of May purportedly giving a speech to crowds of ordinary voters ...

The truth was very very different ...

Theresa May started her visit at Eshott Airfield, a former WWll airfield now in private hands (Conservative Central Office had reported that she would start her visit in South Shields, some 35 miles south). She was met at the airfield by a number of Conservative councillors and the Conservative Candidate for Hexham, Guy Opperman. She then delivered a speech, which was filmed and photographed by the invited media (See extra) and reported as being in front of ordinary voters. There was not an ordinary voter in sight ...

May was then driven at high speed south to the Linskill Centre in North Shields (a community centre which has been threatened with closure by the Conservatives on many occasions and only remains open because of strong resistance from local people). She entered the building via a side entrance and another speech was delivered in front of an invited audience of Conservative councillors, Tory activists and invited media. Security was high at the centre as word had got out about May's visit but ordinary voters and local people were not allowed to set foot in the car park, never mind the community centre. Again the media reported that she was speaking to ordinary voters at the centre. May left the building again by using the side entrance. Her convoy of vehicles sped away and any contact with ordinary voters was again avoided ...

Am I the only person in this country left wondering why the broadcast media and the press are colluding with Theresa May and the Conservative Party in reporting that she is meeting and engaging with ordinary voters across the UK?

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