But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Dandelion Clock.

There’s nothing like a nice symmetrical dandelion clock, and that’s what this is - nothing like a nice symmetrical dandelion clock. But it was fun, involving a little mounting jig made out of a piece of bent heavy duty wire and an orange pipe cleaner. I'll hang on to them, they might be useful.
In another life, I was making the bee hive stand. There is a maxim in joinery circles – “Measure twice and cut once.” Not being a joiner I didn’t follow it and it was obvious, once assembled, and I stood back to admire it, that it was rather larger than intended. That means that it is big enough to carry three hives rather than the intended two and a half, but it fulfils the major design requirement in that it will fit inside the car – just.
Thanks are due to JDO for hosting today’s Tiny Tuesday challenge

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