the blink of an eye

By weedave

busssssy wee bee

well what a GOOD day... took some cocodomol before bed last night...woke up fresh as a daisy.... Ewan was in good form so he made it to school, which meant I could go do some work ..not before runnin about organising stuff for Ewans birthday tomorrow ( wednesday)
the sun came out so managed to fire of a load of nice pics.. was desperately trying to get macros of bees as was trying to do a little congrats to Andy Murray by saying "the bees knees"... but never quite worked out thought hover fly was better

hope all is well with you guys ..have been trying to get round and catch up/comment appologises if I have missed a few.....alot of nice pics anyway bed is calling as it is now wed morning (12.35am) and work and climbing are catching up with me
as always enjoy

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