Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Steep ravine

When BJ comes to the UK she always walks with the Haltwhistle Walkers. She calls us "the Whistle Walkers". It was therefore appropriate for me to hike (note the language difference) with her group today.

Most people were away, so there were just 5 of us on the trail. BJ and I cheated and drove up the first long hill to meet the walkers. We were in the hills on the Pacific side of Mount Tam. The woods are dappled with sunshine and quite dry. There are giant redwoods here and a few unfamiliar wild flowers.

I had decided to opt out of descending the infamous Dipsea stairs (688) at the end of the walk, but found we have a big downhill to do. The clue was in the name - "Steep Ravine".  BJ did not warn me about this ladder!! You can just see her bravely leading the way! The rock steps were the worst and Aggie is not happy tonight. (She'll get over it I'm sure.)

For me, it is very hot. I enjoyed an ice cold beer when we reached Stinson Beach. Now we are back in Mill Valley and I have partly packed ready for my transfer to Yosemite tomorrow.

I did enjoy listening to the others talking today and hearing what preoccupies them. They all talked a lot about health insurance. They were all in despair about their president.

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