Sundown Drinks and the Ultra Trail

It's been a long day but a very enjoyable one.

Mr isbi got up before sparrows to be in Katoomba at 4:15am to assist with parking for participants in the UltraTrail 100km run.
They pay charities, like Rotary, $15/hour for their help. You wouldn't get up at that hour in the rain to direct traffic in the dark for your own profit now would you?

When he got home we headed down the valley to watch my foolish nephews run past. See Andy in the extra.

After that my cousins and their husbands arrived and we have had a lovely day.
The forecast rain cleared by early morning for a perfect day of lots of eating, drinking and chatter.
This evening we went up the hill for sunset drinks. Unfortunately a decent sunset didn't happen but I don't think anyone noticed by then.

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