Blue Sky Thinking?

I think not!

The Cygnet threw a wobbly again when we took him to playgroup - but as usual once he had settled down and we left he ahd a great time.
The sooner he works out that he is not being given away and that he actually likes it the better.

Shopping for a pair of walking boots for SWMBO for our trip away resulted in this shot of the roof of The Centre.
I liked all the reflection in the glass.

On a slightly different tack ....... why do women need so many colours that are so similar?
It is like a paint colour chart ....... far too many that all look the same and designed to confusee and drive men crazy and give women something to do for hours on end.

There was a trip down to Peebles for a car service in the afternoon and a walk along the riverbank watching the mother duck trying to keep her brood of 6 young ducklings together and safe as they went over the small weirs - slower shutter speed version here.

The garage were kind enough to change my rear brakes free gratis and for nothing because I pointed out that they were still not gripping right across the discs.
Nice people.

Visit from a friend who had had an interesting conversation with a camera club member who had their eyes opened a bit about some of what has been going on.

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